Monday, April 19, 2010

More Breastfeeding Stories

All I wanted in the first 3-4 months of my sons life was someone to call and ask breastfeeding questions to. All my friends bottle fed there babies and there experiences were soooo different. Their babies slept thru the night at 4 months, their babies only ate every 4 hours, it was so different. They had the freedom to drink, eat whatever they wanted, and to leave the baby whenever they chose. I had to give up spicy food, tomatoe sauce etc etc so it didn't upset my babies tummy, oh boy it was tough, and my love of wine. Oh how I had missed the nights of watching a good movie with a good dinner and a glass of wine (or two). I know the one glass doesn't hurt but it's the second or third glass that I missed from time to time. I chose to only breastfeed my child and I know this was a personal choice, but this limited the amount of time I could spend away from my child. I never really liked to pump bc I didn't like my husband giving him his bottle, maybe I'm posessive but this was our connection! lol The baby depended on me and me solely for food, I loved that! My husband and I went on our first date night out when the baby was approx. 10 months old. I wouldn't want this any other way mind you, and this date night only happened after we showered him and I fed him and put him to sleep.

Breastfeeding Stories

I remeber when the baby was approx. 2 weeks old my husband was working out of town so I took the new baby to the Dr. all alone. Okay I was very nervous bc I just knew he would want to eat while we were in the Dr.s office. Before I left home I fed him, before we got out of the car I fed him, and guess what the minute we get into the Dr.s office BAM he cries the "I want food now" cry. I was so scared and intimidated about breastfeeding in public and so I went to the restroom and sat on the toilet, and tried to get him to eat....I knew they were calling our name now too but the baby needed to eat. When I told the nurse I was going to feed my baby she said "well were fixen to call your name" oh my what do I do now. So I brought a screaming baby back into the waiting room and tried to console him with everything but my breast but nothing now I look back at this and think "how silly" why didn't I just feed him right there. Now I can feed him anywhere and if your offended...ha look away!!! Breastfeeding is the most natural thing yet in America we can be criticized for not doing this privately! Seems so crazy. It's not baby is hungry!!!! Now my son is old enough that the nursing covers don't cover up a thing bc he pulls them off, so wow this could get interesting.

Breastfeeding Journey Began

Oh how I wish I had done this 11 months ago. The journey began on May 9th 2009 and boy I had no clue what was in store for me. From the get go I was determined to breastfeed my new baby and never give him anything other than breastmilk. Wow, what a challenge this was. From day one he wanted to nurse for hours on end. I remember the blisters, the pain the defeat the desire to quit and give in to the formula, but something inside of me made me keep on. Several weeks later the pain was gone, the baby was healthy and boy was the pregnancy weight falling off. Now a new challenge can I get anything done and feed this baby non-stop. I remember my son was eating CONSTANTLY and this made me feel like a cow being milked. This was all my days cosisted of, wake up feed baby, shower-feed baby, I cant count the number of times I crawled in the back of my Minivan to feed him. Every hour some days he needed to eat. Now he is 11 months old and has finally started sleeping thru the nights...thank goodness and we have cut out the night feedings. What a difficult task this was....I can't count the number of times I "quit" night feedings only to give into him the following night.